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Thread Lifts vs. Facelifts – Which One is Better?

Thread lifts and facelifts are popular procedures designed to create a more youthful appearance. But, while they can achieve the same beauty goals, these treatments work in completely different ways. That can make choosing one over the other difficult — how do you know which is better?

To help you understand the main differences between these treatments, as well as the benefits of each, I’ve created this simple guide.

What is a Thread Lift?

A thread lift is one of the newest and most effective ways to tighten the face without invasive surgery. Essentially, it involves inserting threads into the skin and pulling it into a new position.

You can choose from different types of threads, with smooth and barbed designs available. Barbed threads may sound unpleasant, but they’re nothing to be afraid of! They just feature tiny cones (“barbs”) that hold onto skin and keep it in place for the right amount of time.

These are the main steps in the treatment:

  • The threads are inserted under the skin with a needle or cannula.
  • Once inserted, the threads are lifted to ease the tissues into position based on your goals.
  • The threads and tissues are tightened carefully.
  • When in the right position, the threads are clipped and left in the skin. These are eventually absorbed by the body.
  • Antibiotic ointment is applied to the entry and exit points.

Once the lift is complete, you may be able to carry on with the rest of your day as normal without needing to disrupt your routine.

What is a Facelift?

A traditional facelift (otherwise known as a rhytidectomy) is one of the most well-known and enduring cosmetic treatments. As the name suggests, the face is “lifted” to create a smoother and more youthful look.

Patients can choose from several types of facelift today, but the traditional approach is still common. It involves the following steps:

  • A surgeon makes careful and precise incisions around the hairline, ears, and chin.
  • The skin is separated from the tissue below, and the facial muscles are tightened to create a firmer appearance.
  • Excess fat from around the jowls and neck are removed as needed.
  • The skin is moved back into position on the face, and the incisions are closed.

However, unlike a thread lift, a facelift is an invasive surgical procedure that requires a lot of time to recover. The exact amount of time varies, but you may need weeks to heal fully.

What are the Benefits of a Thread Lift?

Thread lifting offers the following benefits:

  • Relies on the body’s natural processes: Thread lifting triggers the body’s natural healing response to stimulate collagen production. The body generates less collagen with age, which is why skin starts to sag over the decades. Extra collagen cultivates tighter, firmer skin and a younger appearance overall.
  • Different types available: You can choose from several threading options, including brow lifts, neck lifts, jowl lifts, jaw lifts, cat or fox eye lifts, and even a ponytail lift. Cat or fox eye lifts tighten the upper eyelid and eyebrow to give the eye a soft upward slant. The ponytail lift tightens the skin in the area from the forehead to the cheekbones.
  • Quick and simple: A thread lift is a straightforward treatment that takes around one hour on average.
  • No need for downtime: Depending on your work, social, or family commitments, you might be able to carry on with your routine as usual. Some bruising or swelling may develop temporarily, and there could be some discomfort. But most patients don’t need to take weeks away from work or need help around the house as people often do after a facelift.
  • Local anesthetic only: This treatment is performed under local anesthetic only.
  • Lasting results: Results last up to 24 months.

What are the Benefits of a Facelift?

Facelift surgery offers the following benefits:

  • Create a dramatic and noticeable change: A facelift can transform a patient’s appearance in a bold way. Skin will appear tighter and smoother, with less visible wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Long-lasting results: The results of a facelift can last for a long time, even around 10 years or more in some cases.

What are the Side Effects of a Thread Lift?

A thread lift may lead to the following minimal side effects:

  • Mild swelling, soreness, bruising, or dimpling of treated skin
  • Infection at incision sites (rare)
  • Slight sensation of tightness
  • Nerve damage (extremely rare)
  • Nodule formation (extremely rare)
  • Salivary duct damage (extremely rare)

What are the Side Effects of a Facelift?

A facelift can cause the following:

  • Scarring
  • Nerve injury (rare)
  • Hematoma (blood collecting below the skin)
  • Skin loss caused by disrupted circulation (rare)
  • Infection
  • Negative reaction to general anesthesia
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Hair loss around incisions

Which is Better: Thread Lift or Facelift?

It’s not easy to say whether a thread lift or facelift is better objectively. Instead, you need to think about which treatment is better for you individually based on the information available. But here are a few key points to consider:

  • Thread lifting is ultimately the simplest, most comfortable, most convenient treatment of the two. If you want your skin to look smoother and make your wrinkles less visible, you can achieve a real improvement without invasive surgery.
  • While the results of a facelift last longer, they’re more dramatic. That can be an issue if you want to keep your look natural and feel the outcome is just too drastic.
  • Facelifts incur much more downtime and can lead to more complications. General anesthesia is required, too, which may be a concern for some people.

However, it’s entirely down to you. Think carefully about both treatments and which you think will suit your personal goals. It may even be best to start with a thread lift and see how you feel about a more subtle change before you decide whether to progress to a facelift.

Book Your Free Thread Lift Consultation in Toronto

If you feel inspired to try thread lifting and want to know more, I offer fully customized thread lift treatments at VBeauty Spa. To book your free consultation, contact me today.

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