Profhilo®: A dramatic lift for sagging skin

Profhilo® is a one-of-a-kind injectable treatment for lax skin. Formulated with one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, Profhilo® boosts and hydrates the skin while remodeling aging and sagging tissue from within. Rather than staying in place, like a dermal filler, Profhilo® slowly biodegrades, releasing hyaluronic acid over time. This draws moisture to the treatment area and stimulates collagen and elastin production, providing a dramatic lifting and tightening effect.


Profhilo® is ideal if you’re noticing the first signs of aging. This treatment offers a natural, rejuvenated look without adding volume in specific places


How does Profhilo® work?

As we age our bodies stop producing collagen and elastin, both of which help maintain skin firmness and fullness. Over time, we deplete our body’s store of collagen and elastin, and our skin starts to wrinkle, sag, and lose its fullness.


Profhilo® works by stimulating your skin to produce additional collagen and elastin. This “remodels” your skin’s structure so it’s lifted and tightened. This treatment also draws significant moisture to the area, plumping and brightening your skin.


How effective is Profhilo®?

To be effective, Profhilo® requires 2 treatments, 4 weeks apart. Most people start to see results like increased hydration and improved skin tone a few days after their first treatment. The full results, including tightening and lifting, can be seen 4 weeks after the second treatment. Results vary from person to person and depend on the laxity of the skin before treatment. Results typically last around 6-8 months. To maintain the effect, you will need additional treatments.


How long does a Profhilo® treatment take?

The whole procedure, depending on how many areas you’re having treated, takes about 30 minutes. The treatment is incredibly straightforward: after cleaning the treatment areas, the Profhilo® is injected into the treatment area with a microneedle. You’ll typically have the option to use numbing cream or ice if you’re worried about pain from the injections. 


Is there any downtime?

There’s a little bit of downtime after getting Profhilo®. Most people experience minor redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site, which should go away quickly.

After a Profhilo® treatment, you should:


  • Avoid makeup immediately afterward
    • Avoid other cosmetic treatments like peels or lasers for at least 24 hours
    • Avoid vigorous exercise or sweating for 24 hours
    • Stay out of the sun until any redness and swelling subside


If you’re uncomfortable after your treatment, you can take Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen, and gently apply a cold compress.



The bottom line

Profhilo® is a quick way to deal with lax or sagging skin. Everyone ages differently but most experts agree that the best age to start Profhilo® treatment is in your 20’s, when you first start to see signs of aging. That being said, Profhilo® will plump and firm the skin, giving it a naturally youthful look at any age. For deeper wrinkles, consider combining Profhilo® with other treatments like Morpheus8 or Botox.

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